Agendaide, the organizer that reminds you.

What separates us from other Agendas?

Syllabi Importing

We take the work out of using an agenda. By using your syllabi, we populate your individualized calendar with the important dates.

Text Message Reminders

Our goal is to streamline those initial steps of getting organized by utilizing text messages as a reminder to notify you of your important dates.

Personalized Support

We are more than just a notification! We are creating a better, more efficient you. Let us increase your organizational skills and build better habits through our service, Agendaide.

Text Message Reminders

In our digital world, text messaging is the most used and preferred form of communication. Agendaide understands the importance of convenience and how integrating it plays an essential role in keeping you organized.

Create Notes As Reminders

Add your own notes for quick reminders to personal events and tasks. Utilize Agendaide for more than academics.